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Quick Access Bar arrow disappears

There appears to be an issue with Quick Access Bar resulting in the arrow disappearing.

How to avoid this issue

The arrow seems to disappear if it is moused over but hides again before being clicked when your system's DPI scaling level is less than around 125%. To avoid this issue, click the arrow before it disappears or change your DPI scaling level.

How to fix this issue

We have released an update to fix this issue, update Quick Access Bar to fix this issue. If you cannot update or do not want to, read on.

If you experience this issue, restart Quick Access Bar to fix it. This can be done multiple ways, such as using Task Manager. To close Quick Access Bar using Task Manager, open the Task Manager, this can be done by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Esc or, if you're using a tablet, press the Windows button and power button and select Task Manager. Alternatively, you can search for Task Manager in Start or find it in all apps. Once you've opened Task Manager, find Quick Access Bar, select it and then click/tap End task down the bottom. You can now open Quick Access Bar by searching for it in Start or finding it in all apps.



Please contact us if you have any other issues.



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